FXBellz Workout Library

Learn key movements and get powerful workout routines (no matter your level!) from our Personal Trainer.

Beginner's FXBellz Workout

Perfect for getting to know the FXBellz and beginner fitness enthusiasts!

1. Push Pull
2. Curls
3. Side Lateral Squat
3. Bear Crawls
4. Crab Walks
5. FXBellz Twist

Intermediate FXBellz Workout

Do each exercise for 60 seconds or 20 reps.

1. Swings
2. Bear Crawls
3. Crab Crawls
4. Burpees
5. Weighted Bicycles

Advanced FXBellz Workout

Do each exercise for 60-90 seconds.

1. Monster Crawls
2. Crab Kicks
3. Push Up Side Arm Balance
4. Halos

Military + First Responder FXBellz Workout

Designed specially for military & first responders to supercharge their tactical training and get in the best shape possible.


Bear Crawls
10 Pushups
Crab Walk
10 dips


Alligator Crawls
Mountain Climbers

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